Last night Valerie and I were invited to a special Obayo family event as Simon and Grace Barasa celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. It was fitting that we should be there because we truly are a part of the Obayo family. The Lord put us together with this family 41 years ago. When we began the ministry of Worldcomp this gifted family was the foundation and core and throughout the years practically every member of the family has served an essential role. Now even the grandkids are getting involved. Looking back over the years of our partnership we are deeply grateful that the Lord has joined us together as ministry partners and what we have accomplished thus far has been incomprehensible. What was once the Obayo family is now “The Worldcomp Family” and our numbers have swelled into the hundreds; hundreds of people who are willing and eager to serve the poor and the needy here in Kenya; hundreds of people who have experienced the Lord blessings because they have sacrificed time, talent and treasure in service of the poor and the sick. Praise be to God for his divine connections.


Today the men and women of our team went in two different directions. The men went off to the second day of medical camps in Shinyalu and the women went to a widows conference with Nancy Odwaro and 300 widows in the village of Majengo.

In our 2 day medical camp we treated 1750 people. As the day came to a close many of the residents of Shinyalu came to thank us for ministering to their village. The pastor of the church said he brought his brother on the first day. He was literally close to death with a bout of malaria. After an injection from our doctors, by the next day, he was a new man and he was so grateful. Tomorrow we hold a medical camp and some meetings with the boys detention center at Shikusa.


Our team of women had the time of their lives at the widow’s center.

Sylvia Hendrix shared:
“I felt honored to be with such an amazing group of women who show the love and light of God to those around them, women who are a mother and a friend to all even when the world tries to beat them down. ‘You all stay strong with strength God has given you.’ I looked out at them and saw their weathered faces that their society had forgotten, but they know God hasn’t forgotten them. They rely on God to provide for them and give them strength. These women have shown me what genuine love, joy and strength look like. All of them have become my grandmothers now. Deuteronomy 10:18 “He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice.” Psalms 68:5 “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows this is God whose dwelling is holy.” 1 Timothy 5:3 “take care of any widow who has no one else to care for her.”

Valerie shared:
“What an amazing day. We were so overwhelmed, there just doesn’t seem to be any words to describe our experience. Here in Kenya when something is just too glorious they simply say “I have no words”. Through a generous gift we were able to give the widows each $10 and it was as if they had just won the lottery. The widows of Kenya are the poorest of the poor outcasts and treated so terribly and yet they are so loving and filled with joy and faith in Christ.” The team shared magnificently, it was as if all of our sharing was planned to the T but it was purely spontaneous and powerfully anointed. Such joy!

All of us are feeling good. Not one of us has even had a stomach issue and I attribute that to your prayers. Please keep praying because our schedule very busy for the next few days.

Blessings to you all back home.