Our morning started today with another medical camp for the children, parents and community at the Handidi Village School. Almost all of our Home of Grace children attend this elementary school. They walk there each morning at 5:30am and leave school promptly at 5pm. When you see how school is done here in Kenya, no American child should ever complain. When a child goes into the 8th grade they have to attend a boarding school. It’s the law.
Following our medical camp we finally had our day at the Home of Grace. I really have to give some thought to how to explain to our experience to you. Forgive me if I use too many adjective and superlatives to describe the day. What a magnificent place and what magnificent kids. They greeted us with roses and marched us into the building with a parade. The building itself has made some remarkable progress. The kitchen is now completely finished with the exception of the fact that the giant refrigerator and the 6-burner stove are still in rout from Dubai. Thank you women of Westside for providing the $5000 to get this job done. What a blessing!
I wish the entire event could have been televised because being in the presence of these kids was a truly moving experience. You just wouldn’t believe the sound that rose from those little bodies when they worshiped. This was not just some kids performing, they were singing from deep in their hearts and it was awesome. Now it was time for speeches and testimonies. One of the young orphans got up and told how his mother died and his father was arrested for murder and he found himself with grandparents who couldn’t feed him and just when all hope was lost he was chosen to go to the Home of Grace. He was ever so thankful.
We were surprised when the Shikusa Boys Detention Center sent 6 boys, dressed in suits to our event. They sang and then several of them gave testimony to how their lives were changed at Shikusa. It was very special.
When it came time for me to speak I told this story: “As we drove to the Handidi Village School there is a clear and beautiful view of our Children’s Home from Handidi Village. Josiah, our driver said that several of the villages told him they just couldn’t believe that anyone would build such a building for kids. They thought it was a 5 star hotel owned by some rich man.” When I heard this it gave rise to a number of thoughts in me. I looked at our kids and told them that we not only built this building for them, but we had every intention of giving them our best and the best of everything in life. We want to give them love and hope and faith; give them the best education, give them life skills and send them out into the world to do whatever God has for them. And you know what? Thus far we have succeeded in this mission.
When we first drew up our architectural design for this building it was one quarter of what we finally built. As we stepped out and began to build it got bigger and bigger and bigger. At first I blamed the Kenyans for this. Everyone wants it bigger and better, but now I know it was God. God knew we would have faith for a building one-quarter this size, but we would have firmly said “No” to the building He wanted to build. Isn’t that just the way we are? God sometimes has to trick us into stepping out with Him in faith.
I really have to hand it to my Kenyan friends; to Osborn Obayo and George Matimbai and our Kenyan team. To put up a structure like this in just 2 ½ years in simply impossible. You only have to be here for a short time to realize that everything in Kenya is 10 times as difficult as it is where we live. Way to go guys! You rock.
I want to thank all of you who made this dream a reality. It may look like the money fell out of the sky, but really it fell out of our pockets. Many of you gave generously and made sacrifices to build this facility. The end, however, is not the building, it is the kids! They are the precious treasure living in this earthen vessel and I can assure you that every member of our Home of Grace staff has pledged their lives to shaping these kids into the image of Christ.
As we finally left, just as it was turning dark, the kids were hanging all over us and we were hanging all over them. Parting was such sweet sorrow. I believe that these kids are indelibly printed in the minds of our entire team. Several of our team members became sponsor for kids. They actually had the opportunity to pick one from the group.
We are still looking for a number of sponsors for these precious kids so if you would like information on that just send me your address and we’ll get it out to you. We would also ask you to pray about supporting the orphanage and it’s ongoing needs.
My heartfelt thanks to you if you read this all the way to the bottom. Blessings to you all and good night.