We have a saying in our work in Kenya: “Onsite is Insight”, which loosely translated means, “You have to be here to understand what’s going on.” I will make attempt to describe the day, but words will fall short of our experience.

After breakfast our students went forth to interact with the kids of Kenya. By the end of the day we had over 400 in the building and let me tell you the connection between our students and the kids of Kenya was incredible. It was heartwarming and genuine. It was love! At one point we could see almost everyone one of our team members carrying kids around like proud parents of newborn babies.

The sports program, while a little chaotic, was a ton of fun. Our team divided up into small groups and each took a group of kids to different parts of the compound for fun and games; Basketball dribbling, shooting practice, soccer ball dribbling, hacky sack games and even a bit of red light green light.

After that we all met together in a large warehouse for introductions, basketball demonstrations and some amazing dancing presented by a Kenyan student group. If you’ve been to Kenya you know that Kenyans like things loud and lively. The music fit the mood of the day. What a blast!

I believe our students will tell you that the highlight of the day, was not the sports, but the loving connections between them and the Kids of Kenya. This is so special because love really is what the world needs most. It is powerful and healing and life-changing.

Now! Everyone is exhausted. Between the jetlag and the strenuous physical activity, we’ll all sleep well tonight.

One last thing! I’ve taken a lot of teams to Kenya over the years and from my observation the chemistry between the students, the chaperones and our Kenyan hosts is very special.

Our thanks to all who are keeping us in prayer back home. Please keep it up.

More to come.

Richard Vicknair