Enclosed are the latest pictures of our New Children’s Home project. All of us feel that the completion of this work will be one of the most significant things we have done in life. In our minds eye we can already see the hundreds of lives that will be rescued and shaped in this facility. We are so thankful for all who have contributed to this project. May the Lord richly reward you for your generosity.

If you feel directed of the Lord to give to this project

Give online at: www.worldcompkenya.com/give

Give by mail at: Worldcomp Kenya Relief, 7758 Earl Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117

Osborn Obayo says:

“I bring you, a walk through the 4th floor of our lovely building as we finalise its structures and complete the small room a top of the building to house the building care taker and hold on the main water tank. We are getting there.Praise be to God.”
