Pastor Peter Waweru of the Mwiki Deliverance church is perhaps the finest example of a pastor that I have seen in Kenya. He has a way with people that is so Christlike. I’ve never met a more honest man nor a more loving man. Many pastors in Kenya are very religious and move among he people as if they are dignitaries expecting to be served. This man however is truly the servant of all. Constantly looking for the needs of others. His attention to little details is amazing. Perhaps one thing that has help him is that he was an accountant before he went into the ministry and he never had formal training in a Bible School which I’m sorry to say tends to produce leaders who are arrogant, aloof and lazy. I told him yesterday that Kenya desperately needs more men like him. I am so glad that his church is very large and he is diligently training young people to follow his example. Another thing is that he has initiated programs in the church that are very creative. Programs to help people find jobs, start businesses, get loans and more. It will be so great to have our medical camp in his place on Thursday and Friday, because the way they do things is special. I just thought I’d mention him especially. I had such a great time with him on Sunday.