Monday August 19, 2013 Nairobi Kenya
It is now 3pm in the afternoon and our doctors have seen almost 800 people. The facilities of the South B PEFA Church are absolutely perfect for medical camp. We are about 100 yards from a major slum area where the people have great needs. The facilities have a lot of great classrooms for the many medical services we have to offer. Usually on our first day of camp there is some frustration and confusion as we try to get everything organized, but today the whole camp seems peaceful and joyful.
The staff of Kenyan medical personnel that we have are absolutely amazing. Our budget calls for 25 medics, but today 45 showed up. It seems that the word is out and everyone wants to participate. The extra 20 medics will add $1000 a day to our budget for the next two days, but we did not turn any of them away. We just figured it was the Lord’s doing. Among those who showed up uninvited were several very gifted people who have helped us enormously. When I arrived this morning I saw that we have added a new medical service to our camp: Male Circumcision. It seems that this will cut down the incidence of STD’s and HIV infection by 60 percent, so there is a big demand for it. Is that too much information?
Just before we arrived we got the news that Osborn Obayo is our “main man” for medical camps, had to go to Europe with a team from the Kenyan Parliament for the next 10 days. All of us were a bit shaken, but the Lord knows what is best for us. One of our board members Harun Kamau was forced to step in and take his place running the camp. He started off with fear and trembling, but he has just been awesome. He has an incredible mind for details and believe me our medical camps have a million little details. All of us can now see that the Lord is just showing us that our Worldcomp team is more versatile than we ever knew.
Mark Stewart brought a video projector and we have been showing the Jesus Film, in the Swahili language to people as they wait. We are also showing Veggie Tale movies to the kids and it’s wonderful. There is a mob of kids here and for those of you who know Chelsey Doyle, let me tell you she is just incredible. From the moment she stepped in front those kids they have been dazzled by her flamboyant personality.
All in all our first day of medical camps is just about as good as it can be. Several businessmen from Seattle heard about our camp and came down to see it. I took them through the stations of the camp and they were just amazed at what is happening here
Our team are all in good health and very pumped about what we are doing. It is such and joy and a privilege to be used by the Lord in such and wonderful way. Tomorrow be begin earlier because the news is getting around about our camp and we are expecting a huge crowd. The good thing is that we have so many medical personnel and things are now running so smoothly that we estimate that we can easily see over 1500 people tomorrow.
I told the Kenyan team this morning that “The best thing about Kenya is Kenyans” . I can’t tell you how much I love and care for these dear people.
Thank you all for you prayers and financial support. It really is making a difference.